Here’s a list of most of my papers, reports, and other publications:

Peter Knippertz & Jan-Berend W. Stuut [editors] (2014) 
Mineral dust, a key player in the Earth system
Springer, 509p ISBN 978-94-017-8977-6


Catarina V. Guerreiro, Patrizia Ziveri, Catarina Cavaleiro, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2024) Coccolith-calcite Sr/Ca as a proxy for transient export production related to Saharan dust deposition in the tropical North Atlantic. Nature Scientific Reports 14(1) 4295 (PDF)

Michèlle van der Does, Fran Lamy, Stephan Krätschmer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Christoph Völker, Martin Werner, Roseanne Schwarz, Marty Fleisher, Gisela Winckler (2024) Late Holocene dust deposition fluxes over the entire South Atlantic Ocean . Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 25(1) e2023GC011105 (PDF)

Maarten M.J.W. van Herpen, Qinyi Li, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Jesper B. Liisberg, Thomas Röckmann, Carlos A. Cuevas, Rafael P. Fernandez John E. Mak, Natalie M. Mahowald, Peter Hess, Daphne Meidan, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Matthew S. Johnson (2023) Photocatalytic chlorine atom production on mineral dust-sea spray aerosols over the North Atlantic. PNAS 120, e2303974120 (PDF)

Liao Chang, Babette A.A. Hoogakker, David Heslop, Xiang Zhao, Andrew P. Roberts, Patrick De Deckker, Pengfei Xue, Zhaowen Pei, Fan Zeng, Rong Huang, Baoqi Huang, Shishun Wang, Thomas A. Berndt, Melanie Leng, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Richard J. Harrison (2023). Indian Ocean glacial deoxygenation and respired carbon accumulation during mid-late Quaternary ice ages. Nature Communications 14, 4841 (PDF)

Catarina V. Guerreiro, Afonso Ferreira, Lluisa Cros, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Alex Baker, Andreia Tracana, Catarina Pinto, Vera Veloso, Andrew P. Rees, Mario A.P. Cachao, Telmo Nunes, Vanda Brotas (2023) Response of coccolithophore communities to oceanographic and atmosperic processes across the North- and Equatorial Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science 29p doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1119488 (PDF)

Thomas Vandorpe, Stanislas Delivet, Domonique Blamart, Claudia Wienberg, Franck Bassinot, Furu Mienis, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, David van Rooij (2022) Palaeoceanographic and hydrodynamic variability for the last 47kyr in the southern Gulf of Cadiz (Atlantic Moroccan margin): Sedimentary and climatic implications. The Depositional Record DOI:10.1002/dep2.212 (PDF)

Adeyemi Adebiyi, Jasper F. Kok, Benjamin J. Murray, Claire L. Ryder, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Ralph A. Kahn, Peter Knippertz, Paola Formenti, Natalie M. Mahowald, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Martina Klose, Albert Ansmann, Bjorn H. Samset, Akinori Ito, Yves Balkanski, Claudia Di Biagio, Manolis N. Romanias, Yue Huang, Jun Meng (2023) A review of coarse mineral dust in the Earth system. Aeolian Research 60, 100849 (PDF)

Louis Peperzak, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Hendrik Jan van der Woerd (2022) Suspended matter filtration causes a counterintuitive increase in UV-absorption. Marine Pollution Bulletin 183 114012 (PDF)

Christopher W. Kinsley, Louisa I. Bradtmiller, David McGee, Michael Galgay, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, RIk Tjallingii, Gisela Winckler, Peter B. deMenocal (2022) Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Variability in Northwest African Dust Emissions Over the Past 67,000 years. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37 doi: 10.1029/2020PA004137 (PDF)

Catarina V. Guerreiro, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Andre Valente, Gerhard Fischer, Patrizia Ziveri, Vanda Brotas, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2021) Carbonate fluxes by coccolithophore species between NW Africa and the Caribbean: Implications for the biological carbon pump  Limnology and Oceanography 66(8) 3190-3208 (PDF)

Michelle van der Does, Marc Wengler, Frank Lamy, Alfredo Martinez-Garcia, Samuel L. Jaccard, Gerhard Kuhn, Verena Lanny, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Gisela Winckler (2021) Opposite dust grain-size patterns in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean during the last 260,000 years Quaternary Science Reviews 263 1-10 (PDF)

Michelle van der Does, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Laura F. Korte, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2021) Seasonality in Saharan Dust Across the Atlantic Ocean: From Atmospheric Transport to Seafloor Deposition Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126(11) e2021JD034614. (PDF)

Patrick De Deckker, Sander van der Kaars, Simon Haberle, Qin Hua, Stuut, Jan-Berend W., (2021) The pollen record from marine core MD03-2607 from offshore Kangaroo Island spanning the last 125 ka; implications for vegetation changes across the Murray-Darling Basin Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 68(7) 928-951 (PDF)

Francois de Vleeschouwer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Fabrice Lambert (2020) Holocene dust dynamics: introduction to the special issue. The Holocene 30(4) 489-491 (PDF)

Laura F. Korte, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Michelle van der Does, Catarina V. Guerreiro, Furu Mienis, Chris I. Munday, Leandro Ponsoni, Stefan Schouten, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2020) Multiple drivers of production and particle export in the western tropical North Atlantic. Limnology & Oceanography 17p (link | PDF)

Marijke W. de Bar, Gabriella Weiss, Caglar Yildiz, Sebastiaan W. Rampen, Julie Lattaud, Nicole J. Bale, Furu Mienis, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Hartmut Schulz, Darci Rush, Jung-Hyun Kim, Barbara Donner, Jochen Knies, Andreas Luckge, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste, Stefan Schouten (2020) Global temperature calibration of the Long chain Diol Index in marine surface sediments Organic Geochemistry 142 103983 (PDF)

Michelle van der Does, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Fleur C.J. van Crimpen, Laura F. Korte, Natalie M. Mahowald, Ute Merkel, Hongin Yu, Paquita Zuidema, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2020) Tropical rains controlling deposition of Saharan dust across the North Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (PDF)

Frank Lamy, John C.H. Chiang, Gema Martinez-Menendez, Mieke Thierens, Helge W. Arz, Joyce Bosmans, Dierk Hebbeln, Fabrice Lambert, Lester Lembke-Jene, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2019) Precession modulation of the South Pacific westerly wind belt over the past million years Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 201905847 (PDF)

Catarina V. Guerreiro, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Laura F. Kort, Carolina Sa, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2019) Transatlantic gradients in calcifying phytoplankton (coccolithophore) fluxes. Progress in Oceanography  176  (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Patrick De Deckker, Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero, Franck Bassinot, Maureen H. Walczak, Kana Nagashima, Masafumi Murayama (2019) A 5.3 million-year history of monsoonal precipitation in northwestern Australia. Geophysical Research Letters 46 (12), 6946-6954 (PDF)

Marijke W. de Bar, Jenny E. Ullgren, Robert C. Thunnell, Stuart G. Wakeham, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, Stefan Schouten (2019) Long-chain diols in settling particles in tropical oceans: insights into sources, seasonality and proxies. Biogeosciences 16, 1705-1727 (PDF)

Patrick De Deckker, Lee J. Arnold, Sander van der Kaars, Germain Bayon, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Kerstin Perner, Raquel Lopes dos Santos, Ryu Uemura, Martina Demuro (2019) Marine Isotope Stage 4 in Australasia: a full glacial culminating 65,000 years ago - Global connections and implications for human dispersal. Quaternary Science Reviews 204, 187-207   (PDF)

Michelle van der Does, Peter Knippertz, Philipp Zschenderlein, Giles R. Harrison, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2018) The mysterious long-range transport of giant mineral dust particles. Science Advances 4, 12p eaau2768 (PDF)

Patrick De Deckker, Tim T. Barrows, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Sander van der Kaars, Michael A. Ayress, John Rogers, George Chaproniere (2018) Land-sea correlations in the Australian region: 460 ka of changes recorded in a deep-sea core offshore Tasmania. Part 2: the marine compared with the terrestrial record. The Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 66(1), 17-36 (PDF)

Michelle van der Does,  Ali Pourand, Arash Sharifi, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2018) North African mineral dust across the tropical Atlantic Ocean: Insights from dust particle size, radiogenic Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes and rare earth elements (REE). Aeolian Research 33, 106-116 (PDF)

Helga van der Jagt, Carmen Friese, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Gerhard Fischer, Morten H. Iversen (2018) The ballasting effect of Saharan dust deposition on aggregate dynamics and carbon export: Aggregation, settling, and scavenging of marine snow. Limnology & Oceanography 63, 1386-1394 (PDF)

Laura T. Schreuder, Ellen C. Hopmans, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste, Stefan Schouten (2018) Transport and deposition of the fire biomarker levoglucosan across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 227, 171-185 (PDF)

Laura T. Schreuder, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Laura F. Korte, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste, Stefan Schouten (2018) Aeolian transport and deposition of plant wax n-alkanes across the tropical North Atlantic  Ocean. Organic Geochemistry 115, 113-123  (PDF)

Robyn Granger, Michael E. Meadows, Annette Hahn, Matthias Zabel, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Nicole Herrmann, Enno Schefuss (2017) Late Holocene dynamics of sea-surface temperature and terrestrial hydrology in southwestern Africa. The Holocene 28(5), 695-705 (PDF)

Catarina V. Guerreiro, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Gerhard Fischer, Laura F. Korte, Ute Merkel, Carolina Sa, Henko de Stigter, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2017) Coccolithophore fluxes in the open tropical North Atlantic: influence of the Amazon River and of Saharan dust deposition. Biogeosciences (PDF)

Carmen A. Friese, Johannes A. van Hateren, Christoph Vogt, Gerhard Fischer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2017) Seasonal provenance changes in present-day Saharan dust collected in and off Mauritania. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 17, 10163-10193 (PDF)

Anne Bernhardt, Wolfgang Schwanghart, Dierk Hebbeln, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Manfred R. Strecker  (2017) Immediate propgagation of deglacial environmental change to deep-marine turbidite systems along the Chile convergent margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 473, 190-204 (PDF)

Laura F. Korte, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Michelle van der Does, Catarina V. Guerreiro, Rick Hennekam, Johannes A. van Hateren, Dirk Jong, Chris I. Munday, Stefan Schouten, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2017) Downward particle fluxes of biogenic matter and Saharan dust across the equatorial North Atlantic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (PDF)

Jiawang Wu, Zhifei Liu, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Yulong Zhao, Antonio Schirone, Gert J. de Lange (2017) North-African paleodrainage discharges to the central Mediterranean during the last 18,000 years: a multiproxy characterization. Quaternary Science Reviews 163, 95-113 (PDF)

Michelle van der Does, Laura F. Korte, Chris I. Munday, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2016) Particle size traces modern Saharan dust transport and deposition across the equatorial North Atlantic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (PDF)

Carmen A. Friese, Michelle van der Does, Ute Merkel, Morten H. Iversen, Gerhard Fischer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2016) Environmental factors controlling the seasonal variability in particle size distribution of modern Saharan dust deposited off Cape Blanc. Aeolian Research 22, 165-179 (PDF)

Claire L. McKay, Helena L. Filipsson, Oscar E. Romero, Jan-Berend W. Stuut & Svante Bjorck [2016] The interplay between the surface and bottom water environment within the Benguela Upwelling System over the last 70ka. Paleoceanography 31, 266-285. (PDF)

Catia Carreira, Tim Piel, Marc Staal, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Mathias Middelboe, Corina PD Brussaard (2015) Microscale spatial distributions of microbes and viruses in intertidal photosynthetic microbial mats. SpringerPlus 4:239 (PDF)

Claire L. McKay, Helena L. Filipsson, Oscar E. Romero, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Barbara Donner (2014) Pelagic-benthic coupling within an upwelling system of the subtropical northeast Atlantic over the last 35 ka BP. Quaternary Science Reviews 106 299-315 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Maarten A. Prins (2014) The significance of particle size of long-range transported mineral dust. PAGES Magazine 22 (2), 70-71 (PDF)

Ute Merkel, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Gisela Winckler, Lucien von Gunten, Torsten Kiefer (2014). Dust PAGES Magazine, Bern, 60pp (LoRes PDF / HiRes PDF)

Patrick De Deckker, Chris I. Munday, Jochen Brocks, Tadhg O’Loingsigh, Gwen E. Allison, Janet Hope, Marc Norman, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Nigel J. Tapper, Sander van der Kaars (2014) Characterisation of the major dust storm that traversed over eastern Australia in September 2009; a multidisciplinary approach. Aeolian Research 15 133-149 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2014) Subaquatic dust deposits, In: Peter Knippertz & Jan-Berend W. Stuut (eds.)  Mineral dust, a key player in the Earth System 443-462 (PDF)

Janna Just, Enno Schefuss, Holger Kuhlmann, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jurgen Patzold (2014) Climate induced sub-basin source-area shifts of Zambezi River sediments over the past 17 ka. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 410 190-199 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Felix Temmesfeld, Patrick De Deckker (2014) A 550 ka record of aeolian activity near North West Cape, Australia: inferences from grain-size distributions and bulk chemistry of SE Indian Ocean deep-sea sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 83 83-94 (PDF), corrigendum (PDF)

Gaudenz Deplazes, Andreas Luckge, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jurgen Patzold, Holger Kuhlmann, Dorothee Husson, Mara Fant, Gerald H. Haug (2014) Weakening and strengthening of the Indian monsoon during Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations. Paleoceanography 29(2) 99-114 (PDF)

Sabine K. Lengger, Mariska Kraaij, Rik Tjallingii, Marianne Baas, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Ellen C. Hopmans, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste, Stefan Schouten (2013) Differential degradation of intact polar and core glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids upon post-depositional oxidation. Organic Geochemistry 65: 83-93  (PDF)

Inka Meyer, Gareth R. Davies, Christoph Vogt, Holger Kuhlmann, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2013) Changing rainfall patterns in NW Africa since the Younger Dryas. Aeolian Research doi:10. 1016/j.aeolia. 2013.03. 003 (PDF)

David McGee, Peter B. deMenocal, Gisela Winckler, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Louis I. Bradtmiller (2013) The magnitude, timing and abruptness of changes in North African dust deposition over the last 20,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 371-372 163-176 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Matthias Prange, Ute Merkel, Silke Steph (2012) Tropical ocean. In: Metcalfe, S.E., Nash, D.J. (Eds.), Quaternary Environmental Change in the Tropics, first ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 47-78. (PDF)

Menno Bloemsma, Matthias Zabel, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Rik Tjallingii, James A. Collins, Gert-Jan Weltje (2012) Modelling the joint variability of grain size and chemical composition in sediments. Sedimentary Geology 280 135-148 (PDF) + Corrigendum in 2013 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Peter A. Kershaw (2012) Controversies in the late Quaternary of the Southern Hemisphere. Editorial of Special Volume in Quaternary International 253 1-3 (PDF)

Sebastien Bertrand, Konrad A. Hughen, Frank Lamy, Jan-Berend Stuut, Fernando Torrejon, Carina B. Lange (2012) Precipitation as the main driver of Neoglacial fluctuations of Gualas glacier, Northern Patagonian Icefield. Climate of the Past 8 519-534 (PDF)

Mieke Thierens, Hans Pirlet, Christophe Colin, Kris Latruwe, Frank Vanhaecke, Jonathan R. Lee, Jan-Berend Stuut, Jurgen Titschack, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Boris Dorschel, Andy J. Wheeler, Jean-Pierre Henriet (2012) Ice-rafting from the British-Irish ice sheet since the earliest Pleistocene (2.6 million years ago): implications for long-term mid-latitudinal ice-sheet growth in the North Atlantic region. Quaternary Science Reviews 44 229-240 (PDF)

Charlotte Skonieczny, Aloys Bory, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles, Wafa Abouchami, Stephen J.G. Galer, Xavier Crosta, Jan-Berend Stuut, Inka Meyer, Isabelle Chiapello, Thierry Podvin, Bernadette Chatenet, Aldiouma Diallo, Cheikh T Ndiaye (2011) The 7-13 March 2006 major Saharan outbreak: Multiproxy characterization of mineral dust deposited on the West African margin. Journal of Geophysical Research 116 D18210 (PDF)

Waleed Hamza, Mohamed Rizk Enan, Huda Al-Hassini, Jan-Berend Stuut, Dirk de Beer (2011) Dust storms over the Arabian Gulf: a possible indicator of climate changes consequences. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 14(3) 260-268 (PDF)

Mahyar Mohtadi, Delia Oppo, Stephan Steinke, Jan-Berend Stuut, Ricardo de Pol-Holz, Dierk Hebbeln, Andrease Luckge (2011) Glacial to Holocene swings of the Australian-Indonesian monsoon. Nature Geoscience 4(8) 540-544 (PDF)

Helena L. Filipsson, Oscar E. Romero, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Barbara Donner (2011) Relationships between primary productivity and bottom-water oxygenation off northwest Africa during the last deglaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science 26(4) 448-456 (PDF)

Inka Meyer, Gareth Davies, Jan-Berend Stuut (2011) Grain-size control on Sr-Nd isotope provenance studies and impact on paleoclimate reconstructions: an example from deep-sea sediments offshore NW Africa. G-cubed 12(3) (PDF)

Cornelia Saukel, Frank Lamy, Jan-Berend Stuut, Ralf Tiedemann, Christoph Vogt (2011) Distribution and provenance of wind-blown SE Pacific surface sediments. Marine Geology 280 130-142 (PDF)

Jean Nizou, Till J.J. Hanebuth, Dave Heslop, Tillmann Schwenk, Luisa Palamenghi, Jan-Berend Stuut, Rudiger Henrich, (2010) The Senegal River mud belt: A high-resolution archive of paleoclimatic change and coastal evolution. Marine Geology 278 150-164 (PDF)

Claudia Wienberg, Norbert Frank, Kenneth N. Mertens, Jan-Berend Stuut, Margarita Marchant, Jan Fietzke, Furu Mienis, Dierk Hebbeln (2010) Glacial cold-water coral growth in the Gulf of Cadiz: implications of increased paleo-productivity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 298 405-416 (PDF)

Stefan Mulitza, David Heslop, Daniela Pittauerova, Helmut Fischer, Inka Meyer, Jan-Berend Stuut, Matthias Zabel, Gesine Mollenhauer, James Collins, Henning Kuhnert, Michael Schulz (2010) Increase in African dust flux at the onset of commercial agriculture in the Sahel region. Nature 466 226-228 (PDF)

Mieke Thierens, Jurgen Titschack, Boris Dorschel, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Andrew J. Wheeler, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Rory O’Donnell (2010) The 2.6 Ma depositional sequence from the Challenger cold-water coral carbonate mound (IODP Exp. 307): Sediment contributors and hydrodynamic palaeo-environments. Marine Geology 271 260-277 (PDF)

John S. Compton, Caren T. Herbert, M. Timm Hoffman, Ralph R. Schneider, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2010) A tenfold increase in the Orange River mean Holocene mud flux: implications for soil erosion in South Africa. The Holocene 20(1) 115-122 (PDF)

Daniela Pittauerova, Stefan Mulitza, Bernd Hettwig, Wissam Chehade, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Gesine Mollenhauer, Helmut W. Fischer (2009) Application of self-absoprtion correction method in gamma spectroscopy for 210Pb and 137Cs sediment chronology on the continental slope off NW Africa. Radioprotection 44(5) 457-461 (PDF)

Ulrich Alt-Epping, Jan-Berend Stuut, Dierk Hebbeln, Ralph Schneider (2009) Variations in sediment provenance during the past 3000 years off the Tagus River, Portugal. Marine Geology 261 82-91 (PDF)

Helen V. McGregor, Lydie Dupont, Jan-Berend Stuut & Holger Kuhlmann (2009) Vegetation shift in southern Morocco at 700 AD: culture (Islamisation) or climate change? Quaternary Science Reviews 28 1434-1448 (PDF)

Xingqi Liu, Hailiang Don, Xiangdong Yang, Ulrike Herzschuh, Enlou Zhang, Jan-Berend Stuut & Yongbo Wang (2009) Late Holocene forcing of the Asian winter and summer monsoon as evidenced by proxy records from the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 280 276-284 (PDF)

Jan-Berend Stuut, Ian Smalley, Ken O’Hara-Dhand (2009) Aeolian dust in Europe: African sources and European deposits. Quaternary International 198 234-245 (PDF)

Patrick De Deckker, Raeid Abed, Dirk de Beer, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Tadhg O’Loingsigh, Enno Schefuss, Jan-Berend Stuut, Nigel Tapper, Sander van der Kaars (2008) Geochemical and microbiological fingerprinting of airborne dust that fell in Canberra, Australia in October 2002. G-cubed 9, Q12Q10 (PDF)

Stefan Mulitza, Matthias Prange, Jan-Berend Stuut, Matthias Zabel, Tilo von Dobeneck, Achakie C. Itambi, Jean Nizou, Michael Schulz & Gerold Wefer (2008) Sahel megadroughts triggered by glacial slowdowns of Atlantic meridional overturning. Paleoceanography 23, PA4206 (PDF)

Rik Tjallingii, Martin Claussen, Jan-Berend Stuut, Jens Fohlmeister, Alexandra Jahn, Torsten Bickert, Frank Lamy & Ursula Rohl (2008) Coherent high- and low-latitude control of the northwest African hydrological balance. Nature Geoscience 1(10) 670-675 (PDF) highlighted in News & Views

Yvonne Hamann, Werner Ehrmann, Gerhard Schmiedl, Stefan Kruger, Jan-Berend Stuut, Tanja Kuhnt (2008) Sedimentation processes in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the late Glacial and Holocene revealed by end-member modelling of the terrigenous fraction in marine sediments. Marine Geology 248 (1-2) pp 97-114 (PDF)

Shiming Wan, Anchun Li, Peter D. Clift & Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2007) Development of the East Asian monsoon: Mineralogical and Sedimentological records in the northern South China Sea since 15 Ma. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 254 pp 561-582 (PDF)

Christine Holz, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Rudiger Henrich & Helge Meggers (2007) Variability in terrigenous sedimentation processes off Northwest Africa and its relation to climate changes: inferences from grain-size distributions of a Holocene marine sediment record. Sedimentary Geology 202 pp 499-508 (PDF)

Christine Zuhlsdorff, Katarina Wien, Jan-Berend W. Stuut & Rudiger Henrich (2007) Late Quaternary sedimentation within a submarine channel-levee system offshore Cap Timiris, Mauritania. Marine Geology 240 (1), pp 217-234 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Sabine Kasten, Frank Lamy & Dierk Hebbeln (2007) Sources and modes of terrigenous sediment input to the Chilean continental slope. Quaternary International 161, pp 67-76 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Margarita Marchant, Jerome Kaiser, Frank Lamy, Mahyar Mohtadi, Oscar Romero & Dierk Hebbeln (2006) The Late Quaternary paleoenvironment of Chile as seen from marine archives. Geographica Helvetica 61-2, pp 35-5 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Matthias Zabel, Gaute Lavik, Enno Schefuss, Volker Ratmeyer & Ralph R. Schneider (2005) `Provenance of present-day eolian dust collected off NW Africa: implications for deep-marine sediment studies JGR - Atmospheres 110 D04202 doi:10.1029/2004JD005161 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut & Frank Lamy (2004) `Climate variability at the southern boundaries of the Namib (Southwestern Africa) and Atacama (Northern Chile) coastal Deserts  Quaternary Research 62 (3) pp 301-309, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2004.08.001 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Xavier Crosta, Klaas van der Borg & Ralph R. Schneider (2004) `Relationship between Antarctic sea ice and southwest African climate during the Late Quaternary Geology 32 (10) pp 909-912, doi:10.1130?G20709.1 (PDF)

Christine Holz, Jan-Berend W. Stuut & Rudiger Henrich (2004) `Terrigenous sedimentation processes along the continental margin off NW-Africa: implications from grain-size analysis of surface sediments Sedimentology 51, pp. 1145-1154 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2004.00665.x (PDF)

Bas West, J.H. Fred Jansen & Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2004) Surface water conditions in the Northern Benguela region (SE Atlantic) during the last 450 kyr  reconstructed from assemblages of planktonic foraminifera Marine Micropaleontology 51, pp. 321-344 doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2004.01.004 (PDF)

Michael Frenz, Rene Hoppner, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Thomas Wagner & Rudiger Henrich (2004) Surface sediment bulk geochemistry and grain-size composition related to the oceanic circulation along the South American continental margin in the Southwest Atlantic in: Gerold Wefer, Stefan Mulitza, & Volker Ratmeyer (Eds.): The South Atlantic in the Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Material Budgets and Current Systems. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 347-373 (PDF)

Enno Schefuss, Volker Ratmeyer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, J.H. Fred Jansen & Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste (2003) Carbon isotope analysis of N-alkanes in dust from the lower atmosphere over the central eastern Atlantic Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (10), pp 1757-1767, doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01414-X (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Maarten A. Prins & J. H. Fred Jansen (2002) Fast reconnaisance of carbonate dissolution based on the size distribution of  calcareous ooze on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean Marine Geology 190 (3-4), pp 563-571 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Maarten A. Prins, Ralph R. Schneider, Gert Jan Weltje,  J.H. Fred Jansen & George Postma (2002) A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern Africa: inferences from grain-size distributions of sediments on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Marine Geology 180, pp 221-233 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2001) Late Quaternary SW African terrestrial-climate signals in the marine record of Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean. Geologica Ultraiectina 212 Ph.D. thesis, 128 pp.


Cruise reports

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2021) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUST2021. Cruise No. 64PE482 onboard  RV Pelagia. Texel (the Netherlands) - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). 12 January - 7 February 2021. 17 pp. (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2019) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUST2019. Cruise No. 64PE464 onboard  RV Pelagia. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) - Mindelo, Sao Vicente (Cape Verde Islands). 11 - 22 November 2019. 17 pp. (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2018) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise Mediterranean Geodesy and Saharan dust [MedDust 2018]. Cruise No. 64PE443 onboard  RV Pelagia. Catania, Sicily (Italy) - Heraklion, Crete (Greece). 9 - 13 August 2018. 10 pp 

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2017) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUSTTRAFFIC:  Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust. Cruise No. 64PE417 onboard  RV Pelagia. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) vv. 18 - 24 February 2017. 8 pp

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2016) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUSTTRAFFIC IV: Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust. Cruise No. JC134 onboard RRS James Cook. St Johns (Antigua) - Sta Cruz, Tenerife (Spain), 19 March - 16 April 2016. 104 pp

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2015) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUSTTRAFFIC III: Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust. Cruise No. 64PE395 onboard RV Pelagia. Mindelo (Cape Verde) - Bridgetown (Barbados), 11 January -  6 February 2015. 54 pp

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2014) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUSTTRAFFIC: Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust. Cruise No. 64PE392 onboard RV Pelagia. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (Spain) - Mindelo, Sao Vicente (Cape Verde) 19 - 27 August 2014, 11 pp

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2014) Cruise report and preliminary results of cruise DUSTTRAFFIC II: Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust. Cruise No. 64PE378 onboard RV Pelagia. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (Spain) - Philipstown (SMaarten), 9 November - 6 December 2013. 58 pp

Jan-Berend W. Stuut and cruise participants (2013) Meteor-Berichte TRAFFIC: Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust. Cruise No. M89 onboard FS Meteor. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (Spain) - Cristobal (Panama), 3- 25 October 2012. 28 pp


Other Reports

Ilham Bouimetarhan, Lydie Dupont, Cletus Itambi, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2014) African climate-vegetation interactions since the Last Glacial Period. PAGES Magazine 22(1), 54 (PDF)

Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Ute Merkel, Denis-Didier Rousseau (2012) Challenges in understanding past and present eolian dust dynamics. EOS Transactions AGU 93(19) 189 (PDF)

Jan-Berend Stuut, Stefan Mulitza & Matthias Prange (2008) Challenges to understanding past and future climate in Africa. EOS Transactions AGU 89, 196 (PDF)



Jan-Berend W. Stuut (2001) Late Quaternary SW African terrestrial-climate signals in the marine record of Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean Geologica Ultraiectina 212 PhD thesis, 128 pp (PDF)