1 September 2024: New paper out! Jerome Kaiser managed to tease out a new rainfall proxy from the deuterium content of two sediment cores recovered from offshore Chile and published a nice paper in Nature Communications. Click here to read the open-access paper. |
12 August 2024: For the project of VU PhD student Oeki Verhage, we have placed a set of arrays of sand catchers to monitor aeolian transport across the grey dunes area on the western part of Texel. I had the pleasure of explaining what we are doing to a delegation of curious colleagues from the waterboard (HHNK). If you look closely, you can see the sand collectors near the edge of the forest. |
14 June 2024: Every now and then former NIOZ-collegaue Lutz Lohse invites me to give a lecture for ‘his’ high-school pupils, which is always good fun and a nice opportunity to explain to them that climate change is real and immediate action is needed. |
8 June 2024: World Ocean Day - In the framework of this day, several NIOZ colleagues were invited to give public lectures in popular-science institutions around the country. I had the pleasure of giving a talk in the Natuurhistorisch Musem in Rotterdam. |
May 2024: New paper out! VU MSc student Blanda managed to publish her first MSc project in a nice paper in the research topic Aerosol deposition in the Ocean: drivers and biogeochemical effects of the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. Click here to read the open-access paper and here for a little explanatory blog |
April 2024: through the weather app “Windy”, we knew that Saharan dust would be blown North towards Europe. After a call on Facebook for people to help me collect this dust, I received >30 samples from all over the country! |
March 2024: At the NAC - Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres I presented my work on a poster, which --after coming back from NOLA-- had turned more into a flag.... |
February 2024: Together with Catarina Guerreiro I organised a session for the Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans on the relation between aerosols and ocean productivity. This session was then merged with Amanda Frossard and Andrew Wozniak’s, who had a more or less similar idea. In the end we had a great session called “The biogeochemistry of air-sea exchange processes”. We used the time in NOLA to also discuss with Afonso Ferreira. Catarina wrote a blog about the event, which you can read here. |
December 2023: Right before the winter storms hit the Dutch coast, we started the T0 measurements in the area where notches will be dug next year. A blog (in Dutch) about this monitoring program was written on the NIOZ website. |
20 November 2023: The national newspaper Trouw spent an article on dust as a result of the UN meeting on dust in Uzbekistan. |
October 2023: Together with NIOZ colleague Leon, I boarded the tug Lione to service the sediment-trap that is collecting Saharan dust for us in the Mediterranean Sea. On NIOZ’ dustiest website, we kept a blog of our whereabouts. |
15 August 2023: The nice paper we published in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on atmospheric-methane removal by dust, got quite some attention of the national and international media. |
July 2023: The mid-conference field trip took us to yet another dune field: White Sands National Park in New Mexico. |
July 2023: as part of the ICAR - International Conference on Aeolian Research I joined a pre-conference field trip to the Samalayuca Dunes in the Mexican Chihuahua Desert. |
26 June 2023: VU BSc students Mansur, Mylan and Jelle present their work on Texel dunes for an audience of foresters and proud parents at NIOZ. |
25 April 2023: the 20th anniversary of the EGU session “Aeolian dust, initiator, player and recorder of environmental change” draws a lot of attention from many colleagues working on an ever-growing spectrum of scientific studies. |
New paper out! Catarina’s done it again with a very nice paper in Frontiers in Marine Science on the relationship between dust input and primary productivity along the AMT - Atlantic Meridional Transect. Click here for the PDF of the paper. |
April 2023: Together with VU colleagues Maarten Prins and Kay Beets we study aeolian processes on a windy day in the dunes of Texel with a group of BSc and MSc students. |
March 2023: practically all month we have spent at sea, chasing Saharan dust. Please click here for a blog of RV Pelagia expedition 64PE514 |
14 February 2023: LTO-Noord invited Gerrit Hiemstra and me to present facts & figures about climate change. In this tandem talk I started with natural climate variability from a geologic perspective and Gerrit talked about present-day climate and future projections with several CO2-scenarios. The message is quite clear; we need to mitigate and switch to renewable sources of energy now! |
January 2023: it is the time of year when winter storms hit the coast. When it does not rain, the wind blows a lot of sand from the beach on to the dunes. However, in recent years the dunes have grown very steep, so that sand can only reach the hinterland through notches. Here you see how sand is blown through a natural notch. There are plans to dig man-made notches to allow more sand reaching the hinterland to combat acidification of soils, increase the water-carrying capacity of the dunes and strengthen the coastal-defence function. |
December 2022: I was invited to tell pupils from OSG De Hogeberg all about climate on our little planet, how it is changing due to human influences and what we can learn from the past to understand the consequences of e.g. rising atmospheric CO2 levels for future climate scenarios. |
November 2022: Buoy Carmen somehow escaped from her mooring lines and set sail towards the South. Fortunately, British colleagues onboard RRS Discovery were willing and able to make a small detour to pick her up and bring her to Mindelo where she is now standing at the premises of the OSCM - Ocean Sciences Center Mindelo. In March 2023 we will re-deploy her during RV Pelagia expedition 64PE514. |
Mid-September 2022: Dusty colleague Catarina Guerreiro and I hosted a session during a scientific conference in Lima Peru. Afterwards we went into some deserts to study aeolian processes. |
22 August 2022: With Texel - Vlieland as preparation, we now swam with this set of champs from Den Helder to Texel. In a straight line that would be 4km but with the currents our course took more than 6km.... |
8 August 2022: With the open-water swimmers of ZPC TX’71 we swam from Texel to the next island (Vlieland); a stretch of about 4km with amazingly strong currents. |
30 June 2022: Within the freshwater-storage project (Zoete Toekomst) we had a site visit with reps of all participating parties to the now-working injection station. Let the rains come! |
Mid June 2022: Yvo and I joined the tug Macistone to service the sediment-trap mooring that has been collecting Saharan dust for some years now. Click here to view the blog that we kept. |
3 June 2022: One of my teachers at the high school I attended in Harderwijk (last century) invited me to talk to his pupils about my work; how on earth did I manage to become a professor.....??? |
End May 2022: The European Geosciences Union took place again and we set up the dust session once more. It turned out that many colleagues had sampled the 17 March outbreak and now we are joining forces to study its dispersal and deposition patterns. Photo by Gyorgy, with Marie and Didier. |
19 May 2022: Britte makes her debut in the national volleyball team in a game with France. Not so long ago she was asking players for their autographs, now she is handing them out herself.... |
9 May 2022; as delegates of the Texel Freshwater Foundation (Zoete Toekomst) Francine Giskes and I took part in a meeting in Carolinensiel to try and draw attention to climate-change issues in the Wadden region including those in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. |
6 May 2022: We participated with a group of NIOZ colleagues in NWO’s science for children event: Expedition Next. The little experiment on why some particles can be suspended in air while others can not drew quite some attention again. |
April 2022: A local glossy pays attention to my work |
31 March 2022: Thé national news radio channel (NPO1) allowed me to talk about my dusty research during the --very-- early morning of 31 March. I was interviewed by Jan van Poppel who stood in for Mirthe van der Drift in the program “De nacht van NTR”. The interview was followed by questions from people listening in (quite amazing at that early hour....).
17 March 2022: Knowing that the dust from Sahara would pass over Texel during the nigh (thanks Windy.com!) I put thoroughly-cleaned oven dishes in my garden to collect the material. It turns out that about 300mg/m² was deposited; amazing amounts at more than 2500km from its source! |
17 March 2022: The Sircocco winds that often blow in late winter, carry a LOT of Saharan dust towards the North. It is all over the news across Europe. #welstoffignietsaai The meteo app Windy.com predicted the dust event quite nicely. |
April 2022: My favourite magazine spent an interview on my dusty work (in Dutch). Now I have ‘published’ in all magazines I have (had) subscriptions to, including KIJK (popular science), Volkskrant (national daily newspaper) and Donald Duck! |
February 2022: The sustainability magazine ‘Milieu Magazine” spent an article on my dusty work. (in Dutch) |
November - December 2021: With a team of four NIOZ colleagues we have joined research expedition MSM104 - SIPA onboard RV Maria S. Merian from Emden to the study area off NW Africa.
(photo credit: Daan Eldering) |
21 October 2021: de tekst zoals ik ‘m vandaag heb uitgesproken |
21 October 2021: with an inaugural address entitled “stof tot nadenken”, I have formally accepted the chair in Aeolian Sedimentology at VU - Vrije Universiteit. (clip in Dutch) |
16 September 2021: an episode of BiodiversityXL entitled “in the sky” in which I present some ideas on aeolian dust and biodiversity. |
25 June 2021: Klifhanger Texel organised “Vloedlijn”, a three-day program connecting art and science, and invited me to talk about sand. |
30 April 2021: the 18th edition of the dust session was a great one again (OK, maybe I am biased a tick) but this year both EGU and we were much better prepared for the online version of the presentations. |
1 March 2021: it is official: I now may call myself professor with a honorary chair in “Aeolian Sedimentology” at VU - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. |
12 January 2021: we have set off for a four weeks’ cruise to chase Saharan dust around the Cape Verde Islands. Please do not hesitate to follow our blog. |
4 December 2020: as an introduction to the upcoming RV Pelagia expedition in January 2021 [a blog has already started], I gave a presentation for the pre-exam class of the local high school (5VWO van OSG ‘De Hogeberg’) on Texel. An old man seemed to want to learn more about dust too..... |
6 November 2020: An ENW-XS grant was awarded to me by NWO to construct a wet-dust collector, to be installed on our dust-collecting buoys that are monitoring Saharan dust in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. This is very good news as it gives me the opportunity to prolong the Saharan-dust monitoring program around the Cape Verde Islands for another year! |
30 August 2020: together with my ZPC-TX mates I swam across the Marsdiep, which separates the island of Texel from the mainland. With a fresh wind of 5Bft. the sea was pretty choppy and I now know what a towel experiences in the washing machine.... |
2 August 2020: the Netflix series Connected spends some time on my favourite subject: dust!
6 July 2020: The Wadden Academy, through the Waddenfonds has granted us 1.8M€ to start a pilot of the project “Zoete Toekomst” (a fresh future) in which we will try to store fresh water in sand lenses underneath the island of Texel during winter, to pump it up in summer during periods of drought. This water shall then be used for both farming and nature areas. |
2 July 2020: for the program Natuurwijzer (NIOZ contribution to a show produced by the local radio station) I was interviewed by Tessel Blok. The interview was broadcasted on Sunday 5 July and parts of it appear in the NIOZ podcast. |
21 June 2020: the IODP - International Ocean Discovery Program drill ship Joides Resolution is leaving Amsterdam today after some weeks of maintenance. I was asked to spend some words on my work in the framework of IODP. Always good fun to work with Dan Brinkhuis (ScienceMedia) and his crew. Click here for the clip on YouTube. |
8 May 2020: for the 17th time we will have the dustiest scientific session of the EGU - European Geosciences Union. This year, for the first time, the session will be fully online. Please follow this link for more info. |
May 2020: our dusty special volume in The Holocene is out! |
April 2020: whoop whoop, Laura’s paper in L&O is published! The message of this paper is that the Amazon River outflow has a large potenital for atmospheric CO2 sequestration, just like Saharan dust! |
April 2020: the sand catchers were updated to version 2.0 |
March 2020: keeping fit during the corona-crisis home isolation.... |
March 2020 |
March 2020 |
February 2020 |
January 2020 |
January 2020 |
November 2019 |
November 2019 |
October 2019 |
October 2019 |
September 2019 |
September 2019 |
July 2019 |
July 2019 |
June 2019 |
May 2019 |
Summer 2019
May 2019 |
23 April 2019 |
April 2019 |
6 March 2019 |
January 2019 |
December 2018 |
7 December 2018 |
November 2018 |
16 October 2018 |
September 2018 |
August 2018 |
July 2018 |
On top of Dune de Pilat: the present ICAR president Frank Eckhardt (L) and past president Adrian Chappell, with the president-elect |
June 2018: the 10th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR X) where Martina Klose and I convened the session |
June 2018 |
May 2018 |
May 2018 |
January 2018 |
January 2018 |
December 2017 |
Ute Merkel and me organised the 4th German “dust day” €(Staubtag) at the MARUM in Bremen on 22 November 2017 |
October 2017 |
August 2017: |
July 2017 |
June 2017 |
June 2017 |
May 2017 |
April 2017 |
March 2017 |
March 2017 |
February 2017 |
February 2017 |
October 2016 |
August 2016 |
June 2016 |
May 2016 |
Next to a few radio items, Gemma Venhuizen also wrote a really nice piece in the national newspaper NRC Handelsblad. |
April 2016 |
November 2015 |
August 2015 |
December 2014 |
Summer 2014 |
May 2014 |
January 2014 |
Summer 2013: |
August 2013 |
March 2013 |
January 2013 |
November 2012 |
May 2012 |
March 2012 |
February 2011 |
March 2010 |